Tropical Tales Issue #10
The most recent version of Tropical Tales is now online in PDF format at the Tropical Tales website.
If you are unfamiliar with the Tropical Tales newspaper, let me explain. Tropical Tales is the brain child of a local expat and owner of Tropical Tales Tours. The newspaper covers the greater south eastern portion of the Caribbean coast. The cities include Puerto Viejo and the surrounding areas. The news paper combines some local stories, ads, and random Caribbean history about pirates, zombies, and more.
The most recent issue of the Tropical Tales newspaper includes:
- Sea Monsters
- The Bloop
- Howler Monkeys
- Arte Viva ’07
- Rondon Soup Recipe
- Local Ads
If you are looking for a good read or want to get to know a little bit more about the Caribbean Coast of Costa Rica, check out the Tropical Tales Newspaper.